27 September 2024
A Word from the Principal…
Congratulations Huon
CHArts Success
Year 7 News
Year 8 News
Year 9 News
Dancing in PE
Year 6 Transition
Work Placement
Outdoor Education
SHS Drama Excursion
Careers Expo
Mentor space update
SRC Update
Community News
Dates to Remember…
Term Dates 2024
Office Hours
A Word from the Principal…
Dear Smithton High School Community,
Welcome to the September edition of our school newsletter! As we approach the end of Term 3, we have many exciting achievements to share with you.
Student Achievements
- Academic Excellence: Congratulations to Huon Prior who took out the Young Scientist of the Year along with $1000 cash prize. He was entered in the Year 7-12 category with over 60 other contestants. Huon’s experiment was based on the use of wood smoke as an antimicrobial agent. He found that the smoke of pine trees could be used to disinfect both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Also, congratulations to Sophie Perry and Chloe Grey who were awarded a Highly Commended certificate and a cash prize of $150. They busted the five second food rule myth and found out that food touching the ground would simultaneously pick up pathogens with ground contact. They produced posters to illustrate their results and had to verbalise their findings to approximately five judges on the day of presentation. Well done all!
- Art Showcase: Congratulations to Ryan Haywood in 7.1 who received a Highly Commended for his artwork at the CHArts festival. This is an outstanding achievement. Many of our talented artists have their work displayed at CHArts this month. Be sure to check it out!
- Short Story Competition: Well done Brady Hursey! He received second place in the CHArts short story writing competition. This is great achievement, and it is fantastic to see him exceed with his writing. Lennox Ngawhare’s short story was read out on the night; even though he didn’t receive an official place, it’s encouraging and still an awesome achievement to have your writing shared with an audience.
Staff Spotlight
We wish Mrs Blake all the best as she takes on the Smithton Primary Principal role while Mr Smith is on long service leave for the remainder of the year. We welcome Mrs Jacqueline Weeding for the rest of this term, as she stands in for Mrs Blake. Mrs Weeding will be the Acting Principal at Edith Creek while Mrs Force is also on long service leave in Term 4. Mr Hayter will be leaving us at the end of the term. We wish him all the best.
School Spotlight
- Year 9 students are reminded to return the VET Expression of Interest form for VET courses in 2025 at the Trade Training Centre, Southside Campus. See the office for the form if you have not received one and don’t forget to return it to your core teacher or directly to the office as soon as possible. Places are limited.
- Minor Excursion forms have been sent home for parents to sign for the remainder of year. Please ensure the form has been signed and returned to the school office.
- Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial for academic success. Please ensure your child arrives on time and ready to learn each day.
- Footy Colours Day: This Friday 27th September – Come dressed in your footy colours for a gold coin conation.
A huge thanks to all of our staff as they continue to work with resilience and dedication. This term has had its challenges, and I really appreciate what you have achieved and the grit you have demonstrated each day. I wish everybody a well-deserved holiday break and look forward to next term.
Warm regards,
Nikki Clark
Congratulations Huon
The Smithton High School community warmly congratulates Year 9 student, Huon who has been awarded the Young Scientist of the Year Award at the BURNIE BIG Science Fair.
Huon investigated whether smoke could be used as a disinfectant and proved his hypothesis correct.
He takes home a $1000 prize and a pretty impressive trophy which will be displayed at the school for the next 12 months.
Well done Huon!

CHArts Success
Congratulations to everybody who entered work in this year's CHArts competitions. So many beautiful pieces made the judges decisions very difficult.
Well done to SHS Year 7 student Ryan Haywood on receiving a Highly Commended in the McCain Foods youth awards, Grade 5 to 8
Art (any medium) – Family of Boobook owls composition

For the past four years Smithton Library in conjunction with the CHArts Festival has held the CHAarts Writing Competition.
Congratulations to those students who have participated in the competition and the two students who have been recognized for their achievement.
It takes courage and commitment to submit your creativity for competition and public scrutiny. We cannot all be prize recipients, but each participant whether they are awarded or not, and the community of which they are a part, is richer for the sharing of the creative vision.
This year, Year 10 have submitted some outstanding pieces of creative writing as classwork and assessment. Several students prepared pieces especially for the CHArts Writing Competition. We applaud and acknowledge all of you.
Congratulations to Lennox Ngawhare who was singled out for his achievements as a writer. His story, while not being awarded a prize, was read aloud by the judges to the audience, noting its humour, skill and positive message.
Brady Hursey was awarded second prize, the judges in awe of the writing, especially plot, characterisation and employment of language.
Please enjoy reading a paragraph from each.

Again, congratulations to Brady and Lennox, and to all the students who submitted their stories.
Year 7 News
Congratulations to our Year 7 award winners who are consistently demonstrating our school values.
Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

7.2 Drama
7.2 have been learning about creating stories using Tableaus- still images or a frozen moment in time. They were given the topics fishing and spectators at an event and they had to think about their body positions, body language, facial expressions, using low, medium and high levels to present their ideas without talking. Well done 7.2!

7.3 Art
Owls and Shape Cities

Year 7 MDT
Well done to the superstar Year 7 students who have completed their mini toolbox / coaster box and chopping boards.

Rachel & Holly have also done a fabulous job making these candle holders from Huon Pine. Well done girls!

Year 8 News
Year 8 continue to celebrate students' ongoing commitment to learning and respectful behaviour with these students being awarded LARF certificates. We also paid an informative visit to the Circular Head Trade Training Centre during Pastoral Care, where we discovered more about future opportunities. Thanks to Sharalyn and the team for looking after us!
Week 3

Week 4

Week 6

Year 8 Art – Human Eyes

My Ed
The Year 8 students applied their business and economics knowledge to organise and categorise daily financial decisions that meet their needs and priorities.

In MDT, some Year 8 students have completed a little wooden stool. Well done, they look great.

Year 9 News
Celebrating our school values for Year 9.

Dancing in PE
Over the past three weeks, our Year 7 to 10 students have been putting on their dancing shoes and embracing a variety of dance styles as part of our latest PE curriculum. The PE team are excited to share that the participation was outstanding, with students demonstrating enthusiasm, teamwork, and some fantastic dance moves! Some of the favourite dance routines included The Cotton Eye Joe (K Dance), Timber and the Waka Waka (Just Dance).
The dance unit encouraged students to step outside their comfort zones, try new movements, and most importantly, have fun while getting active. It’s been incredible to see how dance not only promotes physical fitness but also builds confidence and fosters community.
What’s Next?
As we wrap up this unit, we are looking forward to more exciting activities in PE. Stay tuned for details on upcoming sports units and carnivals.
A big thank you to all students for their enthusiastic participation, and we can't wait to see more of your moves in the future!
Warm regards,
Ryland Coombe, PE Department

Year 6 Transition
Smithton Primary School students enjoyed their first transition taster day at SHS. We look forward to having them back again soon.

Smithton High School Students were invited to attend the R U Ok event last week. It was a great reminder for students to check in with their mates and to ask if "they are ok". We would like to thank CHAC for this opportunity and for providing our community with these valuable resources.

Work Placement
The Year 9/10 Work Placement class were given the opportunity to learn about the employment opportunities at the Saputo factory. Brady Chatwin educated the students on the variety of high quality dairy products that are made at the factory. Mitch Stone and John Lee then gave the students a tour of the factory explaining what each section does in the production of these products. The students enjoyed looking at the new facility where the frozen natural cream cheese is made. Discussed were the strict regulations needed to be adhered to, to sell this to Japan. We would like to thank Saputo for their time and for being so accommodating to the Smithton High Students.

Smokersbank Farm
Smokersbank Farm was the place to be! The Year 9/10 Work Placement class ventured out to Luke Korpershoek’s dairy farm to learn all about farming life. Luke and employee Rowan gave us all the information we needed to know in regards to calving, milking, virtual fences and collars that direct cows to the correct paddocks and the milking shed. We would like to thank both Luke and Rowan for their time today and for allowing the students to come to Luke's farm.

McCain Foods
Smithton High School students have been very lucky in participating in McCain Foods factory tours the past two weeks during their Work Placement classes. Justin, Brittany, Vanessa and Bhavit have been amazing in sharing their knowledge and time with our students which is greatly appreciated. How lucky are we to have such a wonderful business in our community that offers such a variety of employment opportunities. Thankyou McCains!

Outdoor Education
The Outdoor Ed students simulated a camp cooking experience. They battled the strong wind and rain and used their creativity to find shelter spots around the school.

The Spanish students baked ‘Galletas de calavera’ (Skull cookies) to celebrate ‘el dia de los muertos’ (Day of the dead). The students used their knowledge to navigate the recipe, which was partially written in Spanish.

The Spanish class have also been working on different projects applying their knowledge in Spanish. Some students are creating their own zoologico (zoo map), others are using their creativity to formulate conversations and others are planning a holiday in Spanish.

The Spanish students are excited to try their new version of Monopoly in Spanish 'Mexicopoly'. The students work in teams to interpret the meaning of the 'buena onda' and 'no manches' cards.

SHS Drama Excursion
We had a fabulous trip to Hellyer College during Term 3, where SHS Drama and Music students got to watch the HC Musical Theatre students perform The Spongebob Musical, Jr. Our numbers were reduced due to illness, but those who could make it were wowed by impressive and detailed sets, costumes, and lighting as well as strong performances by the small cast. After the show, we were treated to a backstage tour and got to chat with Hellyer students and learn more about their experiences preparing such a major production. We even made good enough time to squeeze in a drama workshop of our own when we returned to SHS before the end of the day. A wonderful dramatic time for all!

Careers Expo
Our Year 9/10 students entered the world of opportunity recently to speak to various employers and service providers available in our community through the Careers Expo. There was time spent in conversation, research and hands on activities. Many thanks to Circular Head Council for facilitating this great event.

Mentor space update
During the past two terms mentoring groups have been busy redesigning a section of the school farm. Students have been clearing old garden beds to make a more efficient space to grow the produce for use in the food areas within the school.
In the future we aim to grow enough food to send home with students and donate what we don’t use back into the wider community via the local food bank during the school breaks.
The students that use this space enjoy hands on learning in an outside environment and are excited to be able to share their produce.

Cooking Cupcakes
Kristy’s mentor group recently baked and sold cupcakes to raise money for a sensory wall at Smithton Primary School. Thankyou to everyone who bought some cupcakes, we hope you enjoyed them.

SRC Update
Daffodil Day
Thankyou to our SEC & SRC members who held a stall outside Woolworths recently, selling merchandise for Daffodil Day. A total of $463.20 was raised for a very worth cause. Well done!

Community News

Dates to Remember…
Term 3 2024 | |
Friday 27th September | Last Day of Term 3 |
Term 4 2024 | |
Monday 14th October | Term 4 Commences |
Friday 1st November | Student Free Day – Years 7-10 only |
Monday 4th November | PUBLIC HOLIDAY – Recreation Day |
Friday 8th November | Year 11/12- Last day and Celebration Dinner |
November 11th – November 14th | Year 10 Exams |
Friday 15th November | Year 6 Orientation Day |
November 18th – November 22nd | Year 10 Work Experience |
Friday 29th November | School Surf Carnival |
Thursday 19th December | Last Day of Term 4 – Students |
Friday 20th December | Last Day of Term 4 - Staff |
Term Dates 2024
TERM 1 | Thursday 8th February – Friday 12th April |
Easter Break | Friday 29th March – Tuesday 2nd April |
TERM 2 | Monday 29th April – Friday 5th July |
TERM 3 | Monday 22nd July – Friday 27th September |
TERM 4 | Monday 14th October – Thursday 19th December |
Student Free Days 2024
Year 7-10
Friday 7th June
Friday 1st November
Years 11/12
Thursday 28th March
Friday 6th September
Office Hours
8.30am – 3.30pm daily
School Starts: 8.50am
School Finishes: 3.00pm
School Office Ph: 6452 9222
Trade Training Centre Ph: 6452 9288
SMS: 0418 220 201
Email: smithton.high@decyp.tas.gov.au
Web: http://education.tas.edu.au/smithtonhigh/Pages/Home.aspx
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Smithton-High-School/219062138251149